Customer Testimonials

Tony and his staff have always displayed excellent customer service, dependability and responsibility. My 13 -year old car runs like a charm thanks in great measure to the consistent service. Tony's is an integral part of the neighbourhood, not simply a "business". It is always a pleasure to enter a place which welcomes you by name. Pat Fraser


I will always return. Exceptional, Professional and approachable. Honest and sincere Holly Glew


I was delighted that I received immediate attention for the two soft tires although I did not have an appointment. Checking the air in the spare was appreciated. We left for the road trip with confidence. Thanks! Allison Atkey


The service was exceptional. Best I have ever had as a car owner. Even thorough I was just in for a regular maintenance they treated me very seriously and with respect. And Tony went out of his way to fit me in as soon as he could. Kelly, Joanne


Great service! Tony fit my car in on short notice for a vehicle safety and his team was very professional and did a great job! Heath McTavish


As usual- I am 100% happy with the work, and customer service! Recommend Tony's to everyone I know! Exceptional! Krysti-Anna, Timko


I was recommended to Tony's Academy Auto by more than one of my clients and when the time came for an auto repair I thought I'd try them out. Glad I did. Best auto repair experience I've ever had. They are very customer service focused. From start to finish it was amazing service. I will definitely be going back when the time calls for it and I live on the other side of the city. John Hrabec


This was my first visit to Tony's Academy Auto Services. I was very impressed and satisfied with the service I received. Tony explained everything to me as to the repairs that were required. This was done with honesty and integrity. I definitely will be having all my future maintenance performed on my car here. Shirley Yusishen


I train Customer Service Representatives for businesses, and Tony and his crew, especially the ladies at the front desk, they are top notch. You have exceeded my expectations, both in knowledge and friendliness. Keep up the great work! Michele McMahon

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near by local auto car shop
432 Academy Road
Winnipeg, MB R3N 0C3
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